

ever heard of Mitsuwa Marketplace? It's a Japanese supermarket chain in the US. They used to hold some amazing themed food fairs throughout the year, until a new manager stepped in and nixed most of that (and the shuttle buses to/from the store... I guess he hates money?) Anyway, one of the imported treats I tried at one of their events was nomukeeki, drinkable cake.

Chocolate Cake and Strawberry Shortcake nomukeeki, with a AA battery for size comparison

You know when you have yellow cake and ice cream, and the ice cream melts and mixes with the sparse few crumbs of cake left on the plate? It was like that, quite tasty and good (I imagine the western version of drinkable cake would be thinned out cake batter, not as appealing to me personally). I'm not sure if nomukeeki is still being manufactured, though.

In any case, penki means paint.

This should go without saying, but: do not ingest paint in any form. Actually, this site is for adults only, so if you're young enough that I HAVE to be telling you this, please find another site to browse and take care.

nomupenki, in a roundabout way, sums up the contents of this blog: multi-fandom and various interests (colorful) mixed with daily life and personal stuff (completely and dreadfully unserious). Best viewed in browser.

as for me?

By modern standards, old. Lover of Sega, Sumo, and Suda51. Loves cooking, gaming, doujinshi and non-malicious mischief. Trying to figure out what to do about my disturbingly low LUK stat. Learning Japanese by self-study and doing hobby translation from time to time.

what's in a name?
bukimi - creepy, eerie, weird.
mimi - girls' name derived from bibishii, beautiful.
an homage to my love of all things creepy, weird and gross.

layout & credits

v1 (no title): designed and coded by me, swiftly discarded. I had a love/hate relationship with it, but ultimately caved because for someone who used to churn out layouts as a hobby, the ones I make now seem pretty samey.

v2 (NYANtonaku): I thought of a new layout idea, sketched it out, and then stumbled upon Teppy's while looking for resources. This is pretty cute so I'll come back to my idea later. Maneki Neko girl is by Kafun, one of my favorite illustrators.